Regional and Community Coalitions
We have 11 Regional Coalitions in the Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, Central MA, Metrowest, Northeast, Greater Boston, Plymouth, Bristol County, Cape and Islands, and the Montachusett Task Force.

Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition
The mission of the Cape and Islands Suicide Prevention Coalition is to help give Cape Cod and Island communities the necessary information and tools to raise awareness, promote education, and increase action to reduce suicides.
Website: www.suicideispreventable.net
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SuicideIsPreventable/
Twitter: @bcsprevention
Maura Weir, Co-Chair
Sue Allaire, Co-Chair
Contact: maurweir@gmail.com, sallaire@capecod.edu

Central MA Suicide Prevention Coalition
The group strives to raise awareness through education and widespread communication of information about mental health, suicide prevention and prevention resources available in our region.
Website: https://centralmasuicideprevention.com/
Sarah Gaer, Chair
Contact: sarahgaer@gmail.com

Greater Boston Regional Suicide Prevention Coalition
GBRSPC conducts activities and events for suicide prevention in Greater Boston, including public awareness events and campaigns, and community and legislative conversations, often partnering with a wide variety of stakeholders in our communities.
Website: https://www.greaterbostonpreventssuicide.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreaterBostonPreventsSuicide/
Dr. Pata Suyemoto, Chair
Joanna Bridger, Co-Chair

MetroWest Regional Coalition for Suicide Prevention
Our mission is to support and enhance the MCSP as well as to actively engage with local programs and services to promote awareness and reduce the incidence of suicide in our region.
Facebook: MetroWestRegionalCoalitionforSuicidePrevention
Twitter: @mwrcsp
Eileen Davis, Chair
Vicki Zimmon, Co Chair

Montachusett Suicide Prevention Task Force
Providing Hope to the Community-North Central & North Quabbin Regions Heywood Hospital established the Suicide Prevention Task Force .
Our goal is to prevent suicide, and to provide education and resources to help those who struggle with depression, survivors of suicide, and those who have lost loved ones to suicide.
Website: https://www.heywood.org/montachusett-suicide-prevention-task-force
Michael Ellis, Co-Chair
Contact: michael.ellis@heywood.org

Norfolk County Suicide Prevention Coalition (NCSPC)
Darcy Lee, dlee@samaritanssoco.org
Laura Rosenthal, fitbythelb@gmail.com
Jennie Babcock, jbabcock13@comcast.net

Northeast Coalition for Suicide Prevention
The NCSP began in 2008 and meets 6 times a year. We host numerous community events and trainings. Our members decide on the coalition's goals and projects for the year. We cover 50 towns and endeavor to hold events throughout the northeast area.
Debbie Helms, Chair
Contact: dhelms@fsmv.org

Pioneer Valley Coalition for Suicide Prevention
We aim to create inclusive connections through public and private entities and individuals with lived experience in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties. We work together to promote healthy communities by supporting strength-based and evidenced-based practices that reduce the risk of suicide.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pvcsp
Jen Matoney, Chair
Contact: pvcsp.outreach@gmail.com

Plymouth County Suicide Prevention Coalition
Our Coalition was formed in June of 2014. Since then, we have been extremely active in several communities within Plymouth County, providing free trainings and resources. Our vision is to promote Mental Awareness in our communities, schools, local organizations to ensure all have the tools and information.
Website: www.plymouthcountyspc.org
Facebook: Plymouth-County-Suicide-Prevention-Coalition
Jennie Babcock, Chair
Laura Rosenthal, Co-Chair