Service Members Veterans and Families (SMVF)
US Department of Veterans Affairs website. See link: http://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/
988 has been designated as the new three-digit dialing code that will route callers to the National SuicidePrevention Lifeline. Read more about 988 and resources available to service members, veterans and theirfamilies. There are also many other categories of information that are helpful. See link:
Mass Vets Advisor | Mass.gov
Mass Vets Advisor is an online resource for the Commonwealth’s veteran community
offered by the Executive Office of Veterans’ Services (EOVS). The site has links to key
SMVF resources in Massachusetts for housing, employment, medical, financial
assistance programs, legal resources, etc. The Network of Care website also offers a
walkthrough of this site by visiting:Â Mass Vets Advisor - The Commonwealth of Massachusetts